PC Services

The following are some of the standard services we offer, along with labor estimates. Hardware or Parts are extra and will be included in specific job estimates.

We charge $90/hour for our service calls and do not charge customers for travel time if they are within the Oakland County area.

Service NameShort DescriptionEstimated Labor Time (hours)
PC Tune-UpCheck PC Status, Examine for Problems1
Additional HDDAdd a new Hard Drive to computer<1
Additional MemoryAdd additional memory (depends on PC)<1
Upgrade HDDReplace the current hard drive, & transfer all data1-1½
Transfer PC HDD DataTransfer all Data from Old PC to a New PC1-2
Transfer Data OnlyTransfer all Data to a New PC exc. OS or Apps1-1½
Transfer Data & AppsTransfer all User Data and Up to 10 Apps2-3
Upgrade OSUpgrade current OS to Windows XP or 2000<1½
Install New OSInstall a new OS on an empty system<1½
PC OverhaulReplace MB, memory, processor and case2-4
Install ScannerInstall a parallel, SCSI or USB scanner to PC1-1½
Install Digital CameraInstall a serial or USB digital camera to PC1-1½
Broadband InternetSetup Cable or DSL for internet access1½-2½
3 PC Wireless NetworkSetup 3 PCs on a wireless network2-3
Wired NetworkPlease contact us for a full quote
Install applicationInstall one software application<1
Upgrade monitorUpgrade and configure a new monitor<1
Virus CheckIncluded in PC-Tune UP
Virus RemovalPlease contact for a full quotation
Data BackupBackup important data to CD<1