Item | Price | Description |
Home Page | $120.00 | For the first (Home) page, includes simple navigation to other pages on site. |
Web Page | $90.00 | For each simple/normal web page. Includes simple formatting and several links. |
Web Extra | $??.00 | Cost for the design of web page(s) beyond a simple web page. The cost varies depending on the work involved. |
Graphic / Logo | $90.00 | For each simple/normal picture/graphic to put on the web page. This includes cropping, reformatting to make web compatible, and inserting into a web page. |
Advanced Navigation | $200.00 | Advanced Navigational buttons that have 3 states (actions). |
Basic Labor Rate: ( hourly )
Because the web has endless possibilities and forever changing we offer low labor rates by the hour should you want something that is not listed above.